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--> Buying TimeTrading Your Retirement Savings for Income and Lifestyle in Your Prime Retirement Years【電子書籍】[ Dick Diamond ]/特ダネprime years♪季節物グッズもたくさん♪


Buying TimeTrading Your Retirement Savings for Income and Lifestyle in Your Prime Retirement Years【電子書籍】[ Dick Diamond ]





<p><strong>DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT, AND STILL COVER EVERYTHING YOU NEED, IN RETIREMENT.</strong></p> <p><strong>Buying Time</strong> begins where most other retirement books end. Instead of covering how to accumulate money for your retirement, it gives you direction from that point forward-how to draw upon your assets most efficiently to create the income you will need throughout retirement. It provides an integrated approach to planning your income in retirement, so that you can do everything you want and still cover everything you need.</p> <p><strong>Buying Time</strong> will help you to make better use of your resources, and make the best of your prime retirement years.</p> <ul> <li>Explains how to set your lifestyle objectives and plan for the best use of your money in retirement.</li> <li>Cover different strategies for different stages of retirement, so that you can make the best of your prime years while still providing for contingencies and long-term health considerations.</li> <li>Fully updated, this revised edition includes information on: adjustments in tax rates and tax credits; new and amended tax legislation; major changes to the pension income-splitting rules; new financial products and investment options for people in retirement; and more.</li> <li>A proven, integrated, four-part approach to retirement planning: structuring and planning income, investing during retirement, health-risk management, and wealth transfer.</li> <li>Offers advice on how to work with an advisor to create and implement a plan that's right for you.</li> <li>Includes practical examples, illustrations, forms, and checklists.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Buying Time</strong> offers practical, proven strategies that readers can apply at every stage of retirement, from the "golden years' to the "olden years."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:2,065円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)

